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What is the function of the legs of a hermit crab?

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Technically, hermit crabs have 10 legs, including crabs. and a fifth periopod housed in an upper arm chamber that must be kept moist to function.

How do crab legs work?

Crabs and their close relatives have 5 pairs of legs, for a total of 10 legs. However, some of their feet have evolved to serve purposes other than walking, such as self-defense, food acquisition, and swimming.

What are the hermit crab's legs?

Technically, hermit crabs have 10 legs, including crabs. Second and third pair-walking legs used for movement. Gonopore is at the base of the female's third leg pair. Fourth pair-stubby-looking legs used to move in and out of the shell.

Why do hermit crabs have hairy legs?

About Hairy Hermit Crabs Hermit crabs carry snail shells to protect their soft bodies. If the hermit crab grows too large relative to the shell, you will find a new shell suitable for moving. .. The name of the crab comes from the small, hard hair that covers the legs and chest.

Can hermit crabs live without their legs?

Hermit crabs can lose their limbs for a variety of reasons, including shell fights with other crabs, injuries, and stress. When a hermit crab loses limbs due to stress, the limbs separate from the body at the root. If he loses multiple limbs in a few hours, he probably won't survive. 2017

What is the function of the legs of a hermit crab?

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