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What is the origin of the word deer?

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Deer (n.) This is probably from PIE * dheusom's "breathing creatures". ..

When was the word deer invented?

Origins and Terms This general sense was replaced by the sense of modern English by about 1500 at the end of the Middle English era. All modern Germanic languages ​​preserve English, and Scotland retains a more general sense. For example, the German layer and the Norwegian dyr mean animals.

What does deer mean in Old English?

However, Old English deor may refer to domesticated animals, wild animals, or common wild animals. Over time, deer were used only for hunted wildlife, and later for red deer, which were once widely hunted in England.

What is the origin of the word origin?

The origin of the word origin is the Latin originem, which means "rise, beginning, or source."

What is the origin of the word venison?

According to Yahoo, the word venison comes from the Latin word vendor, which means "hunt or pursue." Following the invasion and the establishment of the Royal Forest, the hunted animals were called "venison" after being killed. The name stuck because more deer were hunted than any other animal.

What is the origin of the word deer?

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