In fact, with each meal, put the food in a tray or in a bowl that you can play and touch. If you don't touch it after a few times Baby nausea-Why you should forgive you -Introduction to baby food-Self-sufficiency
What baby is solid? What if I don't eat?
How to feed your baby solids 1 The first absolute thing I do for babies who aren't eating solids is to put other pure foods such as baby food and yogurt on the highchair tray. Is to put in. .. 2 Encourage your baby to touch the food, but do not force it. .. 3 Once your child touches solid food, you are on your way! What to do if your baby doesn't eat solids: 7 simple steps-your child.
When do you need to worry that your baby will not eat solids?
If your baby is still rejecting solid foods at the age of 7-8 months, it is worth calling and talking to your pediatrician and even taking your baby for a quick test. I have.
How can I feed a noisy baby with solids?
Eight Tips for Giving Solids to Noisy Eaters 1 Sweep a deal. .. 2 Sneak attack. .. 3 Feed your baby yourself. .. 4 Be creative. .. 5 Make it a game. .. 6 Have your baby play with food. .. 7 Do not engage in power struggles. .. 8 give up! 8 Tips for Giving Solids to Noisy Eaters
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