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What can a roach infestation do to your health?

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cockroaches play a role as carriers of intestinal infectious diseases such as dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever. 27янв. 2020г.

Do you get sick if you have cockroaches at home?

Cockroaches carry bacteria that can contaminate your food and make you sick! Cockroaches can contaminate food with waste and saliva that contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning, diarrhea, and staphylococcal infections.

What health problems can cockroaches cause?

Second, cockroaches can carry a long list of bacteria and diseases. It can also carry intestinal parasites and dangerous pathogens. Types of health problems caused by cough, diarrhea, fever, muscle and joint pain, nausea, sneezing, vomiting, wheezing, cockroaches-Jones Brothers.

What are the effects of cockroaches on human health?

Like rodents, cockroaches are Salmonella [sp. ] Is known to infect and can cause salmonellosis, a human disease with symptoms similar to food poisoning. Cockroaches are believed to accumulate bacteria by eating contaminated food.

Can the smell of cockroach make you sick?

Inhale contaminated air The air supply is contaminated with dust containing cockroach dung, dry saliva, vomiting, or shed skin particles, which were inhaled by people suffering from asthma. If so, allergens can cause asthma attacks.

What can a roach infestation do to your health?

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