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What do you call a young fish called?

Animal Expert
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Baby fish are first called larvae, then fry, and finally juveniles, and grow into adult fish. The larvae are completely dependent on the yolk sac what is a baby fish? What is a fish kid? What is the difference between juveniles, fry and baby fish why are there so many names for baby fish? ?? Другие результатыссайта www.quora.com

What do you call a young fish?

Fry are very young fish. It's small in size, but most quickly grow. Start eating the fry yourself. This is an important development to help the fry grow and grow stronger. Stage 3. As the fry grows larger, they become known as fry.

How old are the fry?

Standard size juveniles are about 3-4 weeks old and about 3-4 cm long.

What do you call a young fish called?

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